LVB specializes in developing geospatially-informed illustrated maps that highlight the features and stories of the unique places and natural resources you work to protect.

Illustrated Mapping
LVB’s illustrated mapping niche is focused on the environmental sector such as illustrated storytelling maps, nature preserve and park maps, watershed maps & fireshed maps, water resources maps, illustrated field guide maps, reference maps and imaginary map scenes.

Clients & Collaborators
LVB provides illustrated maps for land trusts, conservation organizations, nature preserves & outdoor learning centers, environmental researchers and climate scientists, watershed groups, environmental educators, friends groups, and city and county parks.

Map Design Services
LVB’s Illustrated mapping and cartography design services may include: research, GIS base-mapping, image collection, map analysis, illustrative landscape vignettes, sketch icons, hand-drawn and digital rendering, graphic design, writing, copy editing & proofing, and final art packaging for web and print formats.
Illustrated Storytelling Maps
Illustrated storytelling maps focus on the spatial features you want to highlight. Extract the most relevant geographical information that supports your messaging. Share a map that is geospatially accurate, friendly, and engaging. Add extra dimension and meaning to your place-based storytelling.
Bring your map to life!
Watershed & Fireshed Illustrated Maps
Water and fire know no political or property boundaries. Watersheds have become organizing units for our work in the environmental sector, from managing stormwater run-off and pollution to flooding and even wildfire. LVB’s expertise is in watershed science and planning. Let’s design a map that guides awareness and action in your watershed.

Nature Preserve and Park Maps
Provide a clear, beautiful and informative map to welcome and orient visitors to your park, preserve or trails system. Illustrate the different ecosystems and terrain. Create a clear understanding of the trails, landmarks and recreational features and how to safely explore them. Provide an enticing peek into what your visitor can see, do and discover within.
Water Resources Map Illustration
Protecting our natural resources, particulary groundwater, springs and rivers, depends on our ability to communicate the big picture. Illustrated maps reveal patterns and show relationships between natural resources, physical features, and cultural or economic land use patterns. Communicate your science and research in a compelling and approachable format with illustrated maps and Storymaps.
Reference Maps and Keymaps
Provide a clean, clear and legible reference map for your study area. LVB combines geographic basemaps and spatial data from GIS with graphic design software. Focused reference and keymaps support public outreach in conference visual aids, printed brochures, and web media.

Vector-based Illustrated Maps
Create a cohesive look for your family of parks and preserves with a clean, clear map brand that matches your organization. Vector-based illustrated maps simplify the landscape into basic shapes and essential way-finding information. Vector art is scalable for multiple use formats, such as web, print maps, and trailhead signage.
Imaginary Map lllustration
Imaginary maps are artistic renditions of an invented geographical scene. Clients have challenged LVB to illustrate historical city plans for watershed education board games and a birds-eye imaginary map to explore an environmental service firm’s expertise in natural hazard risk assessment. LVB is willing to illustrate what you can imagine!
Engage and inform your audience with friendly and beautiful illustrated maps.