LVB provides natural and cultural heritage interpretive signage design services and is a consultant member of the National Association for Interpretation.

LVB’s interpretive signage clients include land trusts, nature preserves, forest preserves, watershed groups, land and water conservancies, local, state and federal government agencies, non-profit conservation organizations, environmental service firms and academic institutions.

LVB specializes in outdoor interpretive signage thematic development and graphic design for watershed education, ecosystem restoration, environmental education, natural and cultural heritage, wayside and scenic overlooks, park dedication, river trails and nature trails.

Interpretive planning and design services may include thematic development, storyboarding, signage location consultation, topical research, image curation, photo manipulation, graphic design, custom illustration, illustrated maps, narrative development, text editing, final proofing and final art packaging.
Nature Preserve Trailhead Welcome Signage
Create a beautiful and informative display to welcome visitors to your preserve, park or trailhead. Highlight the site’s special features, recreational opportunities, landmarks and programs. Provide tips and guidelines for how to safely and respectfully enjoy the resource and provide a glimpse of what they can discover within.
Natural Heritage Interpretive Signage
Provide a window into the hidden web of ecology. Provide meaningful insights about the ecosystem using the principles of interpretation. Instill wonder and inspire curiosity. Invite the visitor to take a closer look or consider a different perspective. Describe your organization’s efforts to protect, conserve or restore the land and waters. Foster future environmental stewards.
Cultural Heritage Interpretive Signage
Provide a glimpse into history. Share meaningful and relatable stories of those who lived upon the land before us. Show how life was different in the past through tangible and universal examples. LVB works with local historians and archival material to help research your project, develop themes, and curate a visual and narrative storyline to connect the past with the present.
Nature Trails Interpretive Planning
A successful interpretive project begins with planning. LVB provides interpretive planning for nature trails, including thematic development, signage location in the field, topical research and panel storyboarding. LVB helps clients develop strong themes and learning objectives for each interpretive display. We use this document as a touchstone throughout the signage development process to guide research, image curation, illustration development and the text narrative.
River Trails and Overlook Signage
Use viewsheds and points of interest along your river or recreational corridor to provide moments to pause and learn about the resource. How has man shaped and changed our rivers and landscape in the name of progress, for mill-power, agriculture, and urban development? Showcase efforts to restore river corridors for both fish and people.
Watershed Education Interpretive Signage
Help the public understand and appreciate the value of the natural resources of their watershed. Show the connection between water quality issues in a downstream water body to upstream practices on land, and efforts to restore and improve river, lake and watershed health. Delineate the clear boundaries defining your watershed and showcase the natural and cultural features within. Invite your audience to learn more and get involved.
Park Dedication Signage
Celebrate project champions and heroes behind parkland protection, habitat conservation, recreational easements, and open space access. Share their vision turned reality, the major milestones and collaborative partnerships along the way, and inspire a whole new generation of environmental stewards.
Inspire, delight and inform your audience through beautiful visual storytelling.