River restoration Concept design
Poudre River Reach 13 – Conceptual Design
Client: Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed, Team Lead: Stillwater Sciences
Location: Greeley, CO | 2021
Conceptual design illustrations and stakeholder engagement exhibits for the riparian and riverine restoration of 1.25 miles of the Poudre River in Greeley, CO. The poster-sized exhibit includes a custom illustration of the river restoration engineers’ project design. Formatting includes notes to sheet, photo images, and diagrammatic elements to highlight regional trails, flow paths, and existing high functioning riverine and riparian habitat to preserve.
Image of existing conditions orient stakeholders and viewers to the particular plan area and depict habitat features to preserve, such as downed wood, log jams, and developed bar formations. Example images of proposed design features further illustrate what could occur at the site, including the creation of an off-channel beaver meadow complex and the addition of bar apex jams (log jams) to aid in the natural redevelopment of point bars and channel complexity.